Volunteer Agreement
This agreement forms part of and must be attached to the Volunteer Application Form. Before you start volunteering, Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society (CVIMS) requires your agreement on the following: I understand that the Society has a volunteer screening process in place, and that I may be asked to undergo an orientation, interview, reference checking, and /or criminal records and child abuse registry check, depending on the nature of the volunteer position for which I am applying. I understand that I am representing CVIMS during my time volunteering and I agree to act in a professional manner at all times. I agree not to share details of my political or religious views with clients of CVIMS, nor in any way attempt to influence their affiliation or opinions. I acknowledge receipt of the Volunteer Code of Conduct (included with the application form) and agree to follow it all times while volunteering for the Society. I will abstain from smoking or using tobacco while volunteering and I recognize that all CVIMS events and services are smoke and tobacco free. I will abstain from any use of alcohol or drugs while volunteering for CVIMS. I grant permission to CVIMS to use my name, any photo or video images of me and any comments made by me in writing or otherwise, for promotional purposes in any form of media (i.e. TV, radio, web or print) I understand that confidentiality is fundamental to all programs of CVIMS and I will be sensitive to the need for confidentiality. By signing below, I am indicating that I will not use or disclose in any manner to any third party any information without the prior express written consent of CVIMS. I hereby release and discharge CVIMS, its agents, employees and licensees from any claim or action that I may have with respect to the use of any of the above or my participation in any related CVIMS activities, while volunteering for CVIMS. By signing below, I acknowledge that the information provided is true and accurate and that I have read, understood, and will abide by the Volunteer Agreement above. I grant CVIMS permission to contact the references listed on my application form and follow up on any information provided.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
The Central Vancouver Island Multicultural Society enjoys the very highest reputation for honesty, integrity, and the faithful discharge of the public trust and confidence. The Society's volunteers are expected to conduct themselves and the work they perform on behalf of the Society in a manner that honours that reputation and does not detract from the public's trust and confidence. Accordingly, all volunteers must comply with the Code of Conduct described herein.
Volunteers must not use their status as a Society volunteer to obtain personal gain from those doing or seeking to do business with the Society. Additionally, volunteers should neither seek nor accept gifts, payments, services, fees, special valuable privileges, pleasure or vacation trips, accommodations or loans from any person (except in the case of loans, from persons in the business of lending and then only on conventional terms) or from any organization or group that does, or is seeking to do business with the Society.
Volunteers must avoid all situations in which their personal interests conflict or might conflict with duties to the Society (for example, if you or your spouse provides a service and you are involved in the selection of suppliers of that same service for the Society). Volunteers shall, at the first opportunity, disclose any conflict of interest. The nature of this reported conflict must be noted in appropriate official records of the Society, such as meeting minutes.
At all times, the privacy and dignity of clients, donors, volunteers and staff will be respected. Volunteers have access to information and documents relating to clients, donors, volunteers and staff that are private and confidential in nature; reasonable care and caution will be exercised to protect and maintain total confidentiality. Volunteers will not read records or discuss such information unless there is a legitimate purpose. All client, donor, volunteer and staff records are the property of the Society.
Volunteers must not use for their own purposes, including financial gain, or disclose for the use of others, information obtained as a result of their role with the Society (for example, lists of sponsors or suppliers). This applies both during and after the period in which the individual is a Society volunteer.
Any intellectual property developed by a volunteer in the course of his or her role with the Society (for example, guidebooks, training resources, promotional materials) is the property of the Society.
Volunteers must treat with respect all clients, staff, and fellow volunteers with whom they interact while conducting Society business. Harassment, discrimination or other behaviours that compromise the dignity and self-worth of others cannot be tolerated, and will be addressed promptly, in confidence, and in accordance with standards of due process developed by the Society. The Society expects all staff and volunteers to abide by Human Rights codes. These are minimum standards and by no means cover every contingency. However, any material failure to comply with these standards will be sufficient grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination of the individual from their volunteer position. Any volunteer who is uncertain of the application of this Code of Conduct should contact the staff partner indicated on their role description for clarification or further information.
Criminal Record Check
Volunteers will be checked for a Criminal Record. If at anytime the situation of a criminal record changes, the volunteer needs to inform CVIMS at community@cvims.org as soon as the status changes.